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Por Juliene Moretti Materia seguir SEGUIR Seguindo Materia SEGUINDO
Tudo sobre música, clipes, entrevistas e novidades dos shows.

Taylor Swift anuncia lançamento de novo disco

'Folklore' foi feito durante o isolamento da cantora e será lançado nesta noite

Por Juliene Moretti Materia seguir SEGUIR Materia seguir SEGUINDO
23 jul 2020, 13h25
Taylor: novo disco durante a quarentena (Reprodução/Veja SP)
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Se a pandemia não existisse, Taylor Swift teria realizado o sonho dos brasileiros no fim de semana passado, com duas apresentações da sua turnê de Love no Allianz Parque. Mas, com tudo cancelado, e a própria em isolamento social, os planos foram por água abaixo. No entanto, há um motivo para sorrir de novo. A moça aproveitou a quarentena para compor e lançar um novo trabalho, Folklore, que será disponibilizado na madrugada desta sexta, 24.

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Most of the things I had planned this summer didn’t end up happening, but there is something I hadn’t planned on that DID happen. And that thing is my 8th studio album, folklore. Surprise 🤗Tonight at midnight I’ll be releasing my entire brand new album of songs I’ve poured all of my whims, dreams, fears, and musings into. I wrote and recorded this music in isolation but got to collaborate with some musical heroes of mine; @aarondessner (who has co-written or produced 11 of the 16 songs), @boniver (who co-wrote and was kind enough to sing on one with me), William Bowery (who co-wrote two with me) and @jackantonoff (who is basically musical family at this point). Engineered by Laura Sisk and Jon Low, mixed by Serban Ghenea & Jon Low. The album photos were shot by the amazing @bethgarrabrant. Before this year I probably would’ve overthought when to release this music at the ‘perfect’ time, but the times we’re living in keep reminding me that nothing is guaranteed. My gut is telling me that if you make something you love, you should just put it out into the world. That’s the side of uncertainty I can get on board with. Love you guys so much ♥️

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A cantora fez o anúncio nas suas redes sociais. Ela conta que, apesar de estar em isolamento, o trabalho teve colaborações especiais, como a de Bon Iver. Ao todo, são dezesseis músicas novas, entre elas, Cardigan, que também terá seu vídeo lançado esta noite.

Este é o oitavo disco da artista e vem quase um ano depois de Lover, laçando em 2019. Em tempo: os shows por aqui foram adiados para 2021.

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The music video for “cardigan” will premiere tonight, which I wrote/directed. A million thank you’s to my brilliant, bad ass video team – cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto, producer Jil Hardin, executive producer Rebecca Skinner, AD Joe ‘Oz’ Osbourne, editor Chancler Haynes, special effects wizards David Lebensfeld & Grant Miller, and set designer Ethan Tobman. The entire shoot was overseen by a medical inspector, everyone wore masks, stayed away from each other, and I even did my own hair, makeup, and styling 😂

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